Conversations With Anne Elizabeth

#154 - Elise Compston, RDN



Conversation 154:  The Story, Journey and Passion of Elise Compston, RDN “I knew I wanted to see myself in managerial positions and I wanted to see my career take off and keep going onto the next thing and for me, I had to swallow my pride and ask why that is so important?  Why is that the thing holding me back? I had to look at my priorities and what is actually important to me is not going to be the title and the money, it is the human relationships and family. ” Elise Compston, RDN Today’s conversation is with Elise Compston, a registered dietitian who has a passion for recipe development, cooking really easy and delicious food and her beautiful family.  I have spent endless days drooling over Elise’s food on Instagram, like all her amazing nut butter creations, oatmeal bowls and sauces which all make sense after our great conversation. Elise has had a passion for recipe development early in her dietitian career and has made this passion her full-time gig along with raising two tiny humans. You will not fi