Conversations With Anne Elizabeth

#160 - Alice Figueroa, MPH, RD, LD



Conversation 160:  The Story, Journey and Passion of Alice Figueroa, MPH, RD, LD “To be a really empowered dietitian and someone who works in the health industry, we all need to become aware of the issues going on in our community so we can become advocates. We do have a science background and we are the authority when it comes to food safety and nutrition. I think it’s really important for RD’s to become well-rounded and learn about the needs of our communities. ” Alice Figueroa, MPH, RD, LD Today’s conversation is with Alice Figueroa, a registered dietitian who created her own path into dietetics by combining her passion for public health, policy and nutrition.    Alice and I were connected through my previous podcast guest, Nicole Rodriguez because they did their internship together and I am so glad she did. Alice is one of those dietitians we all should get to know because of her deeply rooted passion for health advocacy both here in the United States and globally. She is from Guatemala and trips with her