Conversations With Anne Elizabeth

#162 - Rita Saeed, MS, RDN



Conversation 162:  The Story, Journey and Passion of Rita Saeed, MS, RDN “I have been off the (social media) grid awhile now, because it became so exhausting, especially when it wasn’t fun anymore. I’m the type of person who really follows her heart and I really follow my passion and my intuition. If something doesn’t feel fun for me anymore and it feels more like a chore and I’m not getting joy out of it, I simply need to take a step back and re-evaluate what the purpose is.” Rita Saeed, MS, RDN Today’s conversation is with Rita Saeed,  a registered dietitian who works in the clinical area of dietetics but knows there is something more out there for her professionally.  Rita and I connected by social media because she was having a hard time with where she fit in as a registered dietitian. As she finished her internship and entered the career force, Rita felt she was losing her passion for the profession and questioning why she became a dietitian in the first place. Rita shares a personal side and talks about