Planet Boomerville For Baby Boomers With Jim Enright

Getting started on your first book with CoupleMoney. Ep 35.



Do you have a book that is just waiting for you to begin? My father did. I gave him a blank book so that he could start before he retired. I found the book when he passed with the original note written Christmas, 1973. If your book is still inside you, listen to Elle Martinez of and podcast as I ask her to pull back the curtain and tell you the process she is going through now as she is writing her first book. Approximate Show notes Types of book publishers. (3:45) What the publisher is doing. (3:53) Publishers time line. (4:36) The hardest part. (6:09) Jump Start Your Marriage and Your Money. (6:47) Most difficult part of writing. (7:30) The second hardest part of writing. (8:16) Writing a book is different than writing a blog post or podcast script. (9:09) Begin with a great outline. (10:41) Scrivener - tools for writing. (11:00) What the publisher did to assist. (11:25) The book cover process. (13:43) Which book formats to publish? (15:44) Where’s the money? (16:55) - Advances. - Royalties