Planet Boomerville For Baby Boomers With Jim Enright

Making Work From Home Money with Joe Hogue. Ep. 38 



For many baby boomers, a new outlet to exercise creativity, entrepreneurial urges, or developing an additional stream of income that requires less than $1,000.00 per year to start is  intriguing. Meet Joe Hogue of My Work From Home Money blog. In 1.5 years he has created over $35,000.00 a year income out of thin air, and it continues to grow. Approximate Show Notes Why he started (3:00) How he narrowed down a topic. (4:36) The 3 ways to make money on line. (4:50) Start with what you enjoy. How many hours per week? (8:00) So you start a blog. What are the components that bring the money?  (9:30) What blog site owners miss. Joe has 10 books published over the last 2.5 years. (11:30) The first step is learning the blogging business. (12:40) Generating $2,000. per month from one source. (14:20) Not dependent upon one source of income. Has 3 streams. (17:00) The businesses on his website have been vetted. None marginal. (18:30) His mantra: “I am the average person with above average success.” (20:24) The key skil