The Winding Stairs Freemasonry Podcast | Created By A Freemason For Those Interested In The Study Of Freemasonry And The Art

TWS 040 Know Thyself | A Conversation with Bro. Michael Schiavello



Do you know yourself? Really, think about it... Do you really know yourself? I had the pleasure of sitting with Bro. Michael "The Voice" Schiavello to speak about the proper way to use the lessons of Freemasonry (What some may call the Secrets of Freemasonry) to improve one's life. The lessons that have been part of Freemasons for centuries have left an indelible mark in our society, and to incorporate those lessons into our lives should be one of our top priorities. But, why? Listen in on this conversation and open your mind to getting to know yourself better and unlock the potential within you to live your best life today. Are you on Facebook? Make sure to join Bro. Schiavello's Masonic group Where you can find lively discussions about Freemasonry and its lessons. Subscribe to our channel to stay informed of other stimulating conversations with men who have made the lessons of Freemasonry a part of their li