

Masonic Music for Lodges A few episodes ago we sat down for a conversation with Brother Joscar Poerschke, composer and pianist. This talented Brother has put together a collection of music designed to accompany our beautiful rituals. When played by an experienced musician or simply by playing it through a Bluetooth speaker, these songs have the potential of elevating the ritual experience to another level. We hope you enjoy the insights Brother Joscar shared about his creative process and how these pieces were inspired. If you are interested in learning more about Bro. Joscar's work, please visit: Support for The Winding Stairs Freemasonry Podcast This program is made possible in part by the generous support of our exclusive group of supporters on   In this episode we would like to extend a special thanks to: Stephen Johnston Bill Short Toby Purisima Your support helps us share more Light with Brothers around the world. Thank you. Look what our Supporters have Unlocke