Stemcast With Dr. Reagan Flowers

Artist in Exploration: C-STEM Sculpture Challenge Gary Schott, Kinetic Artis



Gary studied at the University of Wisconsin and obtained a Masters of Fine Arts from University of Illinois Champaign.   One of Gary’s biggest challenged was learning the administrative aspects to the art world; “you’re trained for the technical aspects of art, not the admin part.   The joy of life creeps into your art making. Gary provides good advice on experiencing life and bringing that into your art. Art can be a way for you to process what happened in life. It can be therapeutic.   One’s quality life can be based on happiness. Think about if you are doing something happy. As a culture, are you doing something to improve the quality of life. I don’t take it lightly that I work with metals. As a maker of objects, I hope they do not end up in the landfills. I try to use objects that do not hurt the Earth.   The objects around us have a story. You can have the community around you to collect and engage. Finding ways to repurpose items instead of throwing them away. Objects have something beyond what you see