Stemcast With Dr. Reagan Flowers

C-STEM's Film Making Challenge: Do you have anything to say? Marc Newsome, Film Maker



Marc Newsome is the owner of Furious Films and has been in the industry for over ten years.  I keep abreast of technology to remain efficient and creative. I have experience in graphic design to give my visual eye. I have experience in photography. Filmmaking is photography combined with storytelling. I made a romantic comedy called What Friends Are For that was played in festivals. I did a short film on gentrification,  Here Comes The Neighborhood that was in a HBO Film Competition. Afterwards I was asked to do professional work.  Challenges: Video gear, lenses, technology, and software gets expensive. As trends and visuals change you want your product to look good within reason. These days you can do great work on your phone. There are visual components in everything. Success is when I get to the point where what I created is as good as what is in my brain.