Stemcast With Dr. Reagan Flowers

C-STEM Programming Challenge Glenn Gutierrez, Lean Start-up Expert



An attorney by trade, but always interested in web development and making awesome things online. Glenn is the co-founder of, a video prediction website. Technology without the insight on how to market is useless in a lot of ways. Progress Over Perfection Recommends joining websites such as Upwork and Fiverr to promote your basic skills, flexibility, and to make money; “once you make that first dollar online all of sudden the world changes for you.” You can self teach yourself a lot of the skill sets the hardest part is just making sure you’re good enough to follow it through. What do you want to accomplish? Piece together your own outline and do a Google search. Resources; Udemy Lynda Treehouse Quora  Success is the ability to create whatever future you want. In order to have success you have to liberate your time with resources and automate your income.