Stemcast With Dr. Reagan Flowers

Save A Girl, Save The World with Dr. Julianne Malveaux



Dr. Julianne Malveaux is President Emerita of Bennett College for Women. She is an economist, author and commentator who’s popular writings have appeared in USA Today, Black Issues in Higher Education, Ms.Magazine, Essence Magazine, the Progressive and many more. A committed activist and civic leader, Dr. Malveaux has held positions in women’s, civil rights, and policy organizations. Currently she serves on the boards of the Economic Policy Institute, The Recreation Wish List Committee of Washington, DC, and the Liberian Education Trust. Malveaux is also President of PUSH Excel, the educational branch of the Rainbow PUSH Coalition. Save A Girl, Save A World Mentorship Program celebrates the benefits of mentoring through sister to sister, woman to woman relationships.  Email: Website: In this episode we discuss: Her journey through higher education leading up to President of Bennett College. The current political climate and what do minoritie