Ninja Jill Knows

35: What are you most uncomfortable with right now?



In episode 35: What are you most uncomfortable with right now?, I share: One of the most important questions that you can ask so that you can create more time, more energy and more space to achieve what you want more of.  How by starting with changing something that you are really uncomfortable with, your mindset will shift and your personal energy will rise so you will be freer to live the life you want.  The more you get rid of the things that are creating anxiety, stress and discomfort, the more time, energy and money you will have. Listen to the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episode on iTunes here. RESOURCES If you are ready to LIVE the LIFE you TRULY WANT, knowing and understanding your PURPOSE helps you to do just that. If you are ready to discover your purpose and create your life strategy (I call this your Soulset©), click here to define your purpose and make a plan to live the life you want. Episode: Where is your Momentum? Episode: When the resistance rises...what do you choose to do? Join me on my FB