Stripcast: True Stories From A Stripper With A Phd

026: The Ballad of the Old Hoe



What’s up, dudes? Thanks for tuning in to Stripcast: True Stories From a Stripper With a PhD.   In this industry, aging is impossible to ignore.    All these new girls--girls who were 12 years-old, 8 years-old, 2 years-old when you were at the height of your stripper game.   You look at them--so bright and full and fresh. They have no stretch-marks, perfect tits, happy faces, and no wrinkles.    You think, that used to be me. The world has changed. You don’t know any of these girls. Then you go to the dressing room and look in the mirror and realize: it isn’t only the world that has changed, it is you, too.   You can connect with Lux on Facebook at or follow Lux on Instagram @lux_atl.   If you enjoyed these true stories from a stripper with a PhD, feel free to share or leave a review on iTunes. You can learn more about Lux ATL and subscribe to her newsletter at