Healthy Business Healthy Family Show With Leslie Hassler

Why You Need To Make Commitments At A Soul Level



Dr. Minette Riordan discusses her entrepreneur journey and the biggest decision she made after the 2008 recession – to sell her business and move her family from Texas to Calilfornia.  We talk what led to that decision, how she managed the change, and the amazing things that happened once she and her husband had made the commitment to change.  Dr. Minette shares her wisdom as an entrepreneur and a marketing coach for creative entrepreneur. Dr. Minette Riordan is an award-winning entrepreneur, marketing expert, author and creativity coach who is passionate about helping women entrepreneurs create freedom, flexibility and financial independence. Minette built a successful 6-figure multi-media publishing company in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area, growing a small quarterly newspaper to a monthly magazine that distributed 50,000 copies per month. After 12 years, she sold that business and relocated to Santa Barbara, California with her husband and two teens. Minette is co-author of the book From Fizzle to Sizzle: 4 Cru