Barbecue Secrets

Barbecue Secrets #3: British BBQ legends and more...



Welcome to the third edition of the Barbecue Secrets podcast, a 29:15 minute show celebrating the many pleasures of outdoor cooking. In this edition: 2:07 An interview with Jackie Weight of Mad Cows Barbecue (22:49) Answers to listener questions about warm-up time for your grill, (24:48) BARBECUE SECRET OF THE WEEK: how to avoid food sticking to the grill and (26:09) when to use granulated garlic (22:49) (27:00) Competition Secret of the week: one word: plenitude! Photo courtesy Craig "Meathead" Goldwyn. Links: Jackie and Rick Weight's website, visit Also, please drop in and post a message at This week's recipe: Stuffed Tenderloin of Pork Ingredients: 1 whole pork tenderloin (weighing around 1-11/2 lbs) 1 small red onion - finely chopped 5 oz. mushrooms - finely chopped 1 oz. butter or olive oil Pinch of dried sage Pinch of dried thyme 4 oz fresh breadcrum