Comic Nerds Unite: Comic Book Podcast

114 | Civil War



  A Marc-eting genius at CNU thought it would be good to hop on the Captain America: Civil War hype train and do the Civil War series.  Choose a side, listeners!  This week, in honor of the new Captain America film, we tackle the Marvel event of 2006, Civil War!  We talk about Amazing Spider-man #529-531 by J. Michael Stracyznski, the main Civil War series, by Mark Millar, Steve McNiven, and Dexter Vines, the mysterious Illuminati and we talk about the impact Civil War had on the Marvel landscape back in 2006 and beyond. Marvel's Civil War (2006) starred Captain America, Tony Stark (Iron Man), Spider-man, and all the other Marvel superheroes squaring off to support or oppose a Super-powered Registration Act.  Miscrediting Brian Michael Bendis is this week's unofficial sponsor. Follow us on Twitter: @supertim82 @personman44 @cnupodcast Find us on the rest of the Internet:  Facebook iTunes Stitcher Dig this podcast? You'll love the other ones here:  Benview Network Digging that sweet, sweet theme song?