Bilingual Avenue With Marianna Du Bosq

120: Q&A - Where can I find resources in the target language?



On this episode of Bilingual Avenue, I share seven tips for finding resources in the target language.  Question: Hi there I'm a Venezuelan mother of a three years old boy.  I have spoken Spanish to my son from birth, I communicate in English with my husband, and my husband speaks Croatian to my son (he has no problem with the Spanish as he speaks Italian too and understand most of the Spanish words ) My son speaks Spanish and speaks-understand a bit of English and some Croatian! We actually live in Australia and it is very hard to find materials in Spanish.  I would love to know where I can find resources in Spanish and how to keep my son motivated ! My son started preschool three weeks ago and sometimes he asks me questions in English, I always reply in Spanish. Answer: Thank you Maria for submitting your question! This is such a common struggle that multilingual families have.  We are working hard to add more exposure to our children and so it often feels like we never ever have enough resources.  You also