Rotor Wash

ECHO Philly 2017: Stretching Out the "Platinum 10" Minutes



Dr. George Koenig presented at the ECHO Annual Conference in 2017 addressing trauma and the standards to what is done during the "critical times" after injury to a patient. Dr. Koenig will discuss current standards and trends that he has seen as a medical director in the prehospital environment. He is a graduate of The Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM) in 2003. He also holds a Masters degree in Biomedical Science from PCOM. He is an Assistant Professor of Surgery in the Division of Acute Care Surgery: Trauma, Surgical Critical Care and Emergency General Surgery of Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson Univeristy. He is the Associate Medical Director of JeffSTAT. Check out our website for more information about upcoming events and announcements! ECHO HeliOps  Email for flight ops comms submissions!  RW logo designed in conjunction with ECHO member Bud Lavin photo submission.  Music provided by