Enterprising Individuals

Destination Star Trek Birmingham 2018



Destination Star Trek Birmingham 2018 has come and gone, but we're just warming up!Ella Pearson (co-host of the Generations Geek podcast and the Discoverage podcast) was on-hand at this year's DST, taking the pictures, doing the interviews, and pounding the deck plates to bring you a definitive report on Europe's largest Star Trek convention. She's got a recap of the con's events, a review of the world premiere of What We Left Behind, the DS9 documentary, pictures from the red carpet and the day's panels and more! Plus, she sat down with Andrew Robinson and Max Grodénchik at the show to ask them about their involvement with the documentary, their time on DS9, and the legacy of Trek!Back in the studio, Aaron talks with two more attendees of the show, Will Turland and Rick Parker of the 10backward podcast, about their experiences at DST, Trekkies in the UK, the toxic side of Trek fandom, and how to make it better!All that and a bag of Jason Isaacs! Listen today!10backward interview 03:24Andrew Robinson intervie