Chats With Susan Burrell

How To Be Fiercely Calm With Spiritual Guide, Ulrika Sullivan...



Ep #151 - Can we reach the space that Ulrika Sullivan calls Fiercely Calm?  She says we can. And in this episode of Empowering Chats, we explore what that might look like. After years of working in the Corporate Pharmaceutical Industry, she found herself burnt out, overworked and unfulfilled. When she started doing her Spiritual work, the phrase “Fiercely Calm” dropped into her psyche and she has been using it ever since. She is now on the other side of that unfulfilled space and has found balance in her life.  She calls herself a fiercely calm professional. She works with clients to help them find the balance in their lives. She is passionate about her work and it shows. As a Spiritual Coach and Energy Teacher, she has many tools available to her in guiding her clients to their own fiercely calm space. She also taps into the modalities of Human Design, Gene Keys and Astrology to help guide her clients in understanding and aligning with their higher selves. Ulrika is also the host of the New Light Living P