Love Your Life With Jessica Valor

025: Shaina Lacey Towler - Discovering her purpose as a doula and a young widow.



Shaina is a dear friend and she shares her powerful story of discovering her purpose as a doula, how she healed as a young widow and now raises her son as a single mother. Shaina is a powerhouse of a woman who inspires me every day and one heck of a beautiful soul! Do not miss this episode! Shaina Lacey Towler is a certified birth doula and wellness coach for women. Her goal and passion as a Doula is to help bring the sacred, and transformational aspect of birth back to our current culture while also leaving new parents and families with the experience of being expertly supported, practically educated, and ultimately empowered in their unique situation and choices for birth. She offers a nourishing and multi-modality approach to pregncy, birth and post pardon for her client’s experience. Shaina is young widow and single mom who loves empowering people through her own experience of loss and healing. She is also active in the arts through music and photography. Follow Shaina on Instagram and Twitte