Mega Late Show

Temperature Check: 1st Edition Charizard Holo w/ Go Yama



Hello, The return of the 200 IQ!! Go Yama makes a blessed appearance on this TempCheck! It has been awhile since we chopped it up so we spend a bit of time catching up and seeing where each other are at. @goyamamusic has been in Cali and recently relocated to L.A. He's been busy during These Times not only with his music, but also with his new non-profit, which focuses on the non-entertainment and rehabilitative properties of music. Also there's tons of just random talk including too much info about Late and a tragic story about Go Yama and the sale of a rare ass Pokemon card. Shout-out to the OG of the 200 IQ, Go Yama, who is a man with many plans and high-level ideas. Holler at him on Clubhouse! Tanaka's, keep that content inflow in your earholes! @goyama