Solar Energy Show

Rooftop Solar Fire Safety With Matt Paiss



Fires in homes are generally caused by kitchen mishaps, heating system fires or electrical malfunctions. When it comes to fire safety, the solar industry's track record is excellent -- with only a few documented cases in which the solar system actually caused a fire (generally due to improper wiring or equipment malfunctions). Unfortunately, when home fires do occur, rooftop solar panels can become an impediment to a firefighter's ability to safely and quickly put out the fire. Firefighters must turn off the power to the rooftop system so that the panels are no longer energized; this is not always possible with high-voltage DC systems. In many cases, firefighters vent the roof so that smoke can escape and they can pour water on the source of the fire. With solar panels covering the roof, firefighter's ability to vent the roof over the fire is limited. Improving fire safety as it relates to rooftop solar systems is being approached from two directions. First, new solar panel, racking and inverter standards a