Sean On The Rocks

Eliminate The Hate Ep. 168



I hope everyone is safe and well, thank you for tuning in this week as we have tons to talk about. On this week's episode we say with a heavy heart that we will be talking about current events of George Floyd protest, treatment among the community, and plenty more. So without wasting any more time let's get this show rolling. *What's Poppin in SA -Protest *Controversy Lawd have Mercy -Treatment Locally -Police under fire -Jaida Essence Hall Season 12 RPDR winer -Kylie Jenner busted lying about net worth -Jimmy Fallon apologies for doing blackface. -Ben Shapiro? -Music: -Lady Gaga - Album Chromatica *Film: -Netflix: -Space Force -Adam Sandler- Uncut Gems Thank you for listening , please don't forget to stay up to date with us on Facebook, and Instagram. See you next week, and don't forget to tip your strippers! Facebook: And Instagram: Seanontherocks16 Also Beside to check out the production of this episode and more on: Instagram: @ThinLineWerks And if you have any que