Sydney Ideas

End-of-life decisions in non-production animals (27 August 2020)



This special Sydney Ideas conversation marks the 10th Annual Robert Dixon Memorial Animal Welfare Symposium and explores a series of critical questions regarding companion, performance and wild animals. Considering we don't euthanise humans, how do we navigate through the ethics of conduct in this space and the potential conflicts of interest? Our panel discuss factors that influence end-of-life decisions. FEAUTURING – Dr Larry Vogelnest - Senior Veterinarian, Taronga Conservation Society – Dr Martin F. Lenz, Queensland Racing Integrity Commission – Dr Emma Whiston, Veterinary Home Euthanasia Service – Dr Peter Bennett, Associate Professor in Oncology and Small Animal Medicine, University of Sydney – Dr Kat Littlewood, Lecturer in Animal Welfare, Massey University New Zealand – Chair: Dr Bidda Jones, Chief Science & Strategy Officer, RSPCA Australia For more information, visit the Sydney Ideas website: