Take Off Your Cool

Episode 45: The Game Is NOT To Be Sold feat. @meghann_monroe



This is FUBU!  In this episode, Major is joined by the fabulous @meghann_monroe to talk the tragedy in Charlottesville and Barcelona, a former child of destiny has a way of getting diamonds in the Bold and (the not so) Baeless, Robin Thicke and Paula Patton 2.0 are expecting, ESPN did a mock slave auction while the Blacks were away, a woman of Brewster Place is aging like fine wine, Brandy vying Keke's Crown of Draining, Kim continues her family tradition of showing that Black-adjacent means absolutely nothing, and much more.  For Let's Talk About It Sis, Meghann, who has more social media followers than small countries have citizens, schools us on differentiating yourself, using social media as a tool to do so, and why she's willing to give million dollar game for $Free.99.  The St. Patricks are unlucky charms who burn Meghann's biscuits, Major's GRITS We Love is a feminist professor from the land of golden sunshine, while Meghann's brings us to tears (but also gets us together). Last, a panel of experts han