Mama Bear Dares

Episode 12: On Obsessions, Allergies, and Being Brave



On this podcast we dig into a variety of topics on our Mama Bear Mini mid-week episode! We talk about our current favorite things, we offer some tips about nutrition and how to keep your family healthy over allergy season, and we discuss a pretty great article about raising daring girls. We also get down to the business of bravery and we try some new music for your listening pleasure. Don't forget to respond to this episode with your own tips, tricks, and interests du jour on any of our social media channels. We love hearing from you! Have a great week Mama Bears! LINKS:OBSESS SESH: Check out Tesi’s endorsement of Yeti HERE. Leslie is loving Rob Bell’s new book, HOW TO BE HERE. Tesi got a fab new raincoat! LET’S TALK ABOUT HEALTH, BABY: Who doesn't love the Neti Pot ? WE READ IT, WE LOVED IT, LET’S DISCUSS: 10 Ways to Raise Brave Girls, by Katie Arnold, Outside Magazine The Gutsy Girl: Escapades for Your Life of Epic Adventure, by Caroline Paul Article by Caroline Paul in the NYTimes: