Mama Bear Dares

Episode 20: Happy Mother's Day! Let's Talk to Our Kids!



On this Mama Bear Mini, our mid-week episode, we talk about Mother's Day, interview our kids, and encourage YOU to do the same! As we celebrate nurturing women this week, we dare listeners to take a moment to be really proud of who you are as a mom or to cheer on the mom you will someday become. Regardless of what motherhood looks like for you, we think you're amazing! Questions for the kids: Here's the script we used to interview our kids. Feel free to use it however you please! What is your favorite thing to do with me?What is something I’ve said to you that has helped you in the past? A bit of wisdom that you think about even when I’m not there?How would you describe me? Is there something about me that would surprise other people to know?On the Mama Bear Dares podcast we encourage moms to be their very best selves. Can you think of a way I can support you better? How can I be a better mom to you?Who is your best friend? What is it about this friend that makes them so great? What’s it like to see your mom