Mama Bear Dares

Episode 39: The Eye-Opening Power of Travel



It has been a really intense week here in America. From Alton Sterling and Philando Castle to the 5 police officers in Dallas-this week has been seemingly consumed with death. If there has been one thing that is shared among Americans, it's grief. On Episode 39 co-hosts Tesi and Leslie welcome one of their other sisters-in-law, Kait Klipsch. Because of Kait's unique outlook on life and their shared interests the sisters talked for more than 2 hours. In today's Part 1 the sisters deep dive into Kait's extensive experience in living and working in other countries. The women talk about how traveling for Kait, whether it be across the world to Sri Lanka or across the city to the south side of Chicago, opened her eyes to a new reality. One that wasn't even close to her experience as a white, upper-middle class woman. For more information on Part 1 of the series exploring privilege, go to our website.