Mama Bear Dares

Episode 85: Holiday Survival Guide (Mama Bear Style!)



On this Mama Bear Mini, Leslie and Tesi discuss ways to maintain sanity and fully enjoy the holiday season. They come up with a short, snappy list of ways that they’re planning minimize the stress of the season and celebrate its joys instead. The hosts encourage listeners to allow this season to be one of managed expectations, embracing “okay” (rather than perfectionism!), and allowing a pace that’s relaxed enough to truly enjoy the special moments this season brings. In doing so, Tesi and Leslie remind listeners that in order to outwardly spread their love in the world, they need to fill up on love themselves. Finally, the co-hosts debut a new segment called I Martyr So Hard (#imartyrsohard) in which they examine the posture of a modern-day martyr and fess up to times they’ve entered martyr-mode. You won’t want to miss it! For complete Show Notes, head to the Mama Bear Dares website!