Mama Bear Dares

Episode 89: Creating Your Family Brand



On Episode 89 of the Mama Bear Dares podcast, Tesi and Leslie get practical. As a family unit in a complex world, they know that listeners are just like them...they’re continually evolving and redefining who they are and where their values lie. How do we identify those values and live them out on the daily? How do we express our values as a family? One way is through the creation of a “family brand.” Tesi and Leslie follow cues from Bruce Feiler’s The Secrets of Happy Families and dive into how to make a family brand. Similar to a mission statement, a family brand is a motivator when obstacles mount and articulates success in times of celebration; can help parents make decisions in moments both big and small; and is easily repeatable and ultimately can unite your household and serve as a reminder of what you hold dear. The Mama Bears love the promise that the new year brings and today’s episode will follow the theme of new beginnings and narrow in on how our intentions of lovingkindness might play out as a fa