Mama Bear Dares

Episode 95: Post-March Mama Bear



One of the largest marches in our country's history happened over the weekend and co-hosts Tesi and Leslie spend Episode 95 of the Mama Bear Dares Podcast discussing its meaning for the Mama Bear community. The women spend this mini episode talking about who participated, why they participated, the positives, the backlash, and, perhaps most significantly, what a Mama Bear can do now that the march is over and the real work begins. The hosts hope that listeners of all political orientations will take the time to listen to the voices around them and to carve out space and time to think about their relationship to America and the ways in which they might take action (even if it's nerve-wracking or falls out of a typical comfort zone) to make the world a more loving and compassionate place. For complete Show Notes, visit the Mama Bear Dares website!