Mama Bear Dares

Episode 226: The Language of Racism & Why Words Matter



On Episode 226 of the Mama Bear Dares Podcast, Tesi and Leslie discuss current events, in particular, President Trump’s recent tweets at four congresswomen asking them to “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.” They lament the president’s use of power to other and divide, and focus in on the words “go back” in an effort to highlight the history of such sentiment and the use of the phrase as a dog whistle for white supremacy. The two sisters look back at the historial context of this phrase and others, discuss their own racism and a mama bear response, acknowledge the cultural waters in which we swim, and ask listeners to jump into this national conversation armed with information. They conclude the episode with a tale of Leslie’s recent trip to Egypt and a few surprises she encountered there while traveling with a U.S. passport in 2019. For complete Show Notes, visit the Mama Bear Dares website.