Echorift | Pop Culture Interceptor (yes, A Fast Car From A Dark Future)

177 | Special | Our (and Your) Favorite Things 2013



Pacific Rim dominates our, and your, favorite things from 2013! Subscribe:  iTunes | Stitcher | Miro | RSS The Echo Rift podcast is your resource for comics, movies, TV, and book reviews. This pirate pop-culture podcast is brought to you from deep beneath the city of Philadelphia!  When that buzzer goes off, we have five minutes to end transmission or we will be atomized for sure! Timestamps 00:24 - Favorite, not Best, because Don is a Mental Patient, Favorite Echo Rift Episode of 2013, Sound of Music 03:33 - MDOC rings in Favorite Movies 08:08 - Allen Boone Favorites Movies Video Games with Ctcher 13:45 - Javon and TV, Favorite Echo Rift Guest Host Announced + Favorite Podcast 25:21 - Finally!  Chris gets us into Favorite Comics + a Mom chimes in 34:50 - Ramsd3n gets serious with Favorite Food, Beer, Comics, and Attempts to get under Mike's Skin 41:20 - Mike Takes Dale_A's Favorites in order, surprise Ending 44:30 - Final Favorite from Kid Mudfoot Contact Us! Tweet questions and comments to @EchoRift Us