Echorift | Pop Culture Interceptor (yes, A Fast Car From A Dark Future)

179 | Movies | American Hustle (2013)



Spoiler free discussion - the cast and characters of David O Russell's American Hustle Subscribe:  iTunes | Stitcher | Miro | RSS The Echo Rift podcast is your resource for comics, movies, TV, and book reviews. This pirate pop-culture podcast is brought to you from deep beneath the city of Philadelphia!  When that buzzer goes off, we have five minutes to end transmission or we will be atomized for sure! Timestamps 00:24 - Abscam Sandle Scandal Sandle, Cast Introduction 04:20 - Christian Bale is The Con Man 10:15 - Jennifer Lawrence is The Zero (and steals the show) 13:25 - Amy Adams is The Femme Fatale 16:52 - Bradley Cooper is The Crazy Fed 19:25 - Jeremy Renner is the Mayor of Camden 25:50 - Louis CK is the Sad Sack 27:07 - Some of the things in this movie Actually Happened Contact Us! Tweet questions and comments to @EchoRift Use's Contact Submission Form Leave us a voicemail at 856.208.RIFT Send us an email Talk to us on Tumblr Related Episodes Echo Rift Podcast 17