Giant Robots Smashing Into Other Giant Robots

20: Ruby Lightning



In this special episode from RubyConf 2012 we pulled aside some of the attendees and found out what they're working on. We also include a selection of the great lightning talks at the conference. Enjoy! Rob Mack from Spiceworks Dr. Nic Williams from Engine Yard talks about BOSH Ray Hightower from WisdomGroup, WindyCityRails, and ChicagoRuby Noel Rapin from Groupon John Foley and Nick Howard talk about Project Grok, an Open Source Code Reader Club (like a book club, but for code) Brian Ford from Engine Yard talks about Rubinious 2.0-rc1. Jeff Casimir from JumpstartLab talks about gSchool Daniel Huckstep from Yardstick Software talks about rc files and sub. Joshua Szmajda talks about the Ruby Hangout, an online Ruby meetup. Ron Evans from The Hybrid Group talks about gitnesse and wields a mean ukulele. Christian Trosclair from The Hybrid Group talks about Kids Code Camp and FeatureCreep Richard Schneeman from Heroku talks about Issue Triage. Chris Maddox from LivingSocial talks about happiness. Follow @though