Giant Robots Smashing Into Other Giant Robots

50: It's Monday today, let's change everything



In this week's episode, recorded at RailsConf 2013, Ben Orenstein is joined by Jeff Casimir and Katrina Owen from Jumpstart Lab and gSchool to discuss performing, speaking, and imposter syndrome, preparing for your talk, and what makes a good talk and how to give one. The also discuss gSchool, the way the program works and they way it's guaranteed, teaching, admitting ignorance, how good practice should be harder than the real thing, and why Jeff didn't like studying Computer Science and why he didn't enjoy programming and how Rails reignited his passion for creating things, and much more. Peepcode gSchool Jumpstart Lab Code Academy galvanize Go Follow @thoughtbot, @r00k, @j3 and @kytrinyx on twitter.