Being A Whole Person

When can you call yourself an artist?



Have you ever hesitated to call yourself an artist, even though you do indeed make art? There can be some tricky mindset stuff and loaded expectations wrapped up in creativity as your identity, but you can give yourself permission to truly own being a musician, painter, actor, or whatever your medium is. I share a bit about my journey to getting comfortable calling myself a composer, as well as some ways to ease into confidently owning your creative title! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ FREE CREATIVE COWORKING SESSION: Tues. 7/27 @ 10am PDT + W 8/25 @ 3:30pm PDT For everyone who wants to make time to focus on their most important creative work (or get that annoying admin stuff done), with supportive accountability in community, join me for this free coworking session - let's practice compassionate productivity together! Sign up at - hope to see you there! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ MORE FROM REBECCA Sign up for the free Feel Good Creativity Unchallenge (5 days of super easy creativity + wellne