Being A Whole Person

How to Reframe Criticism and Rejection With Self-Compassion



It can be devastating to experience failures, rejection, and criticism in your creative career, but they don’t have to haunt you forever. I share my favorite practices and journaling prompts to compassionately reframe these difficulties into learning and growth experiences, so you can confidently move forward with your big dreamy creative goals! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ FREE CREATIVE COWORKING SESSION: Wed. 8/25 @ 3:30pm PDT For everyone who wants to make time to focus on their most important creative work (or get that annoying admin stuff done), with supportive accountability in community, join me for this free coworking session - let's practice compassionate productivity together! Sign up at - hope to see you there! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ MORE FROM REBECCA Sign up for the free Feel Good Creativity Unchallenge (5 days of super easy creativity + wellness prompts) Free Discovery Call Fuel Your Creative Work With Compassionate Productivity workbook My Brazilian album Florescer SUBSCRI