Fortt Knox

3 - Thanksgiving, and the Muslim Branch of My Evangelical Family



This week on the Fortt Knox podcast, I want to get a little personal. Instead of hearing from a business leader or celebrity as usual, you're going to hear from someone closer to home. My home. The United States right now is struggling with how to respond to the scourge of terrorism -- and how to relate to Muslim Americans here at home. It's something my family has a unique bit of experience with. And this being the days after the Thanksgiving holiday, and after a presidential election, it's a good time to reflect on family. And the country. The voice you heard at the beginning of this episode was my cousin on my dad's side. Omar. I'm a Christian. My faith is an important part of my life. I try to study my Bible regularly, I attend church weekly. My father is a retired pastor and chaplain. My grandfather was a pastor, too. Omar and his siblings are Muslim. His parents converted before he was born. It's fair to say religion has always been a source of tension in our family, but especially over the last 20 year