Your Daily Dose With Dr. Len




COVID-19 REVISTED: In this episode we talk about the differences between the Alpha & Delta variants of COVID, as well as the vaccine options as compared to diet & fitness; especially concerning elders, our children, & those with compromised /or weak immune systems. Tune into this show to learn about some of the best fitness regimins & diets to choose from, as well as tips to get motivated towards a healthier lifestyle! Tune in each day. at 12p EST, to hear Dr. Len Brancewicz of The Nutrition Shoppe discuss today's hottest health topics and news from a complimentary perspective.  From colds to cancer and everything in between, Dr. Len can offer honest advice that makes sense. As a Registered Pharmacist (RPh), Certified Clinical Nutritionist (CCN), Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine (NMD), and a homeopath, Dr. Len has over 35 years experience in helping to keep you and your family healthy and happy. Office: +1 (678) 228-8900  Website: Visit our Facebook page .