Inspiring You With Henri Hebert

Ep 24: August Energy Update



#24 | August 08, 2021 August Energy Update As we entered into August, I felt in a sense, a big wave of energy. I found myself going into retreat mode. If I am not as consistent on my social media, it is sometimes an indication that I am currently processing some rather big energies coming in.  They feel like waves at times. The frequencies of the energies coming in are cleansing, restorative and nurturing. We are being exposed to wave after wave of energy that pushes us to change, transform, let go and raise our frequency.  Things are still going to get very intense on the planet certainly for some months coming yet we have been prepared and we have tools for the human! Your role is to align with the ever increasing rate of energetic flows and activations. To stay as present with them as you can, allowing them, opening to them, receiving them deeply so you are transformed at the deepest level. This at times is no easy task. Every aspect of your life and world is changed. And understand that you