Monash Arts

Dr Natalie Doyle: Marcel Gauchet's Loss of Common Purpose



For two decades, Dr Natalie Doyle, Deputy Director of the Monash European and EU Centre, and Senior Lecturer in the School of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics, has researched a specific strand of French social and political theory, with a particular interest in the intellectual heir of its leading figures Marcel Gauchet – whose major project, a four volume history and theory of European democracy, has just been published. Dr Doyle has also pursued research into the crisis of the European Union and the risk of ‘co-radicalisation’. In this podcast, we speak with Dr Doyle about her new book coming out in October 2017, a world-first analysing Gauchet’s early writings to the present day. Entitled 'Marcel Gauchet’s Loss of Common Purpose: Imaginary Islam and the Crisis of European Democracy’ it synthesises her three main research projects, offering an analysis that provides a context with which to understand the nature of today’s issues, crises and phenomena. Building on Gauchet’s argument on the