Monash Arts

Part II: Professor JaneMaree Maher on Gender & Family Violence



This podcast continues on from Part I of our interview with Professor JaneMaree Maher on Monash's Gender and Family Violence research. Why does international evidence show 80% of adolescent violence is committed by sons against their mothers? Why is more than one woman per week killed by their current or ex intimate partner in Australia? What do we need to do to make sure people with disability who may face violence are recognised and supported? What other challenges and barriers need to be overcome for all our different communities including migrants, LGBTIQ and male victims? What are the gaps in preventing further non-fatal and fatal family violence and how effective are the intervention programs and respite services? As part of Monash Arts Researchers podcast series, Professor JaneMaree Maher shares her research examining these questions and possible solutions. These investigative projects, their findings and policy recommendations are driven by Professor Maher and Monash’s Gender, Family & Violence rese