The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Man Up And Get Your Act Together - TCW55



Why is it so hard for us as guys to get our lives on track and get on with the business of 'living the dream'? Is it that we're too lazy? Are we not talented enough? Or is it something else? Listen in as my co-host Zach Browman drops some shocking truth about why laziness is probably a MYTH (at least as you know it), and how you can finally start outperforming the true slackers in your graduating class. Wait until you get a load of what Zach has to say--rest assured you'll laugh yourself to sleep tonight thinking about how easy it really is to kick your life into gear and get women to naturally want you. We also answer a really good voicemail question from Rene in 'Nawlins' on how to handle women who are rude are disrespectful to you, but who you can't exactly just walk away from--like co-workers, relatives, etc. If you've never gotten around to checking out Zach Browman's killer anti-procrastination program Find Your Focus, don't put it off another second. You can find it at