The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Decoding Women's Sexual Attraction Signals - TCW60



It's no secret that women think differently than we as men do, therefore their actions are oftentimes difficult to interpret. It can drive us stark raving well as keeping us from enjoying the company of the very women we desire the most. Well, this time I'm joined by Craig Miller, who has recently authored something called the Sexual Decoder System. He's about to reveal to you some shocking secrets about the type of hints and 'hidden messages' that women send us all the time when they're attracted to us, but which most men completely miss. The truth is pretty straightforward: if you're missing the signals, you're missing out on a LOT of women in your life. But the good news is once you know what to look for, your fortunes with women will increase exponentially...and fast. While we're at it, we address a voicemail from Chris in San Diego who's not exactly a 'party guy', but he finds himself particularly attracted to 'party GIRLS'. Does he stand a chance at getting in on the action he wants? And if so