The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Why She's Holding Back - MTP163



One thing you can expect from this episode is that my co-host Cyndi Olin will definitely NOT hold back. The playful banter starts almost immediately, and Cyndi isn't at all shy about telling it like it is when it comes to women growing cold and distant. So let's say you're out with a woman and suddenly you don't know what she's thinking, or she's giving you mixed signals. Should you call it out, try harder to win her affection or simply chalk it up and stop 'pushing it uphill'? Why do women pull away so often even though we as humans typically crave real, honest connection? Next, hear Cyndi's legit take on the mistakes men make on first dates that cause women to hit the brakes rather than moving full speed ahead. Also discover why you have an extra risk-factor the higher your level of personal accomplishment is. What are the cultural factors that cause certain women to be more tacit on dates? As a special bonus, Cyndi offers secrets to asking out supermodels successfully. So then, if we don't want women to pu