The Chick Whisperer Podcast

2020 Hindsight...And Foresight - MTP181



This episode may come off as a bit weird up front, as it's the first show we've ever published to BOTH The Mountain Top and X & Y On The Fly feeds. But hey...we figured this is a timely conversation everyone can and should have, and also (more obviously) we're co-hosting this one together. So on with it... In this fast-paced show we talk candidly--and at times controversially--about how dating, relating and even socializing itself have changed in the last decade, and how we ourselves control what the next decade holds. What about online dating, apps and social media? Shouldn't it be easier than ever for men and women to meet, attract each other and build relationships? But instead, men and women appear to have lost touch with how to relate to each other. It's as if we as a human race have gotten better than ever at mere social manipulation, and place a higher value on that than real connection. As a result, are people justified in questioning the value of even pursuing a relationship nowadays? Have people