The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Growing Up, Not Growing Old - MTP189



Man, isn't it true how some people grow older, but they somehow never grow up? My guest is Josh Burnette, author of Adulting 101, and he has very specific theories as to how and why this happens. What's going on in our minds when we opt to avoid evolving into mature, responsible adults? Is what we're holding onto really better than what we gain by growing up? Obviously, being a child--or worse, a Neanderthal--isn't attractive to women at all, and it won't ever advance your career. Is there a 'bigger picture' to adulting that extends beyond our sense of self? What is more important to a true adult than mere happiness? What are some of the key life lessons that adults have figured out? And what does Josh do to motivate guys toward adulthood? What specific tips does he give? And who's going to be around for guys in real life to lead by example? What happened in Josh's life when he got married and became a father? Clearly, one must BE and adult before one can effectively raise kids, right? So wait a minute, does