The Chick Whisperer Podcast

The Side Hustle - MTP190



Want to feel more alive, pursue your passions, make women love you and score some extra money on top of all else? Two words: side hustle. My guest Nick Loper is the man with the plan, and he joins us for the long-overdue deep dive on the subject. So what exactly is a side hustle? And how come nobody ever uses the term 'moonlighting' in the online entrepreneurial space? What does it take to let our ideas become reality and how does that make us feel more alive? Next, we talk about how to launch a side hustle that matters, including specific action steps. Why is starting a side biz like online dating? What is Nick's 'buy buttons theory'? And what if you can't seem to come up with any genius, original ideas? (As a bonus, this is also a ninja strategy for developing your stand-up comedy routine!) How does Nick's 'what sucks' exercise relate to all of this? As counter-intuitive as it sounds, how can building a new source of income actually increase your overall freedom as opposed to bogging you down with more busy